
Q & A

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

So, my best friend's name is Stevie.
She moved to Portland awhile back, but we still keep in contact daily via phone or emails. The other day her and I were chatting and I was discussing the issue I am having about not knowing really what to blog about, and how I start a blog but it always tends to die off. She came up with an idea about making a questionnaire to ask me about my business & myself. So, here are the questions she came up with! Thank you, Stevie for your time/help.

1. What one word would you use to sum up who you are as a person?

Hmm, this is really hard! I’d say “Optimist

2. Is there a moment/photo/person who first inspired you to become a photographer?

I find inspiration DAILY. I wouldn’t say these inspirations that I have inspired me to become a photographer since I’ve always been in love with photographs, and the art of photography. But, People like; Michelle Moore, Holli True, Promise Tangeman, Lara Jade, & speakers like Lewis Howes.

3. Care to share a photo from when you were just learning?

Not going to lie, I am a bit embarrassed about my first work… Everyone has to start somewhere though! Here is an example from where I first stared… and yep, nature! I started taking photos of flowers, landscapes, anything I could take photos of, I did.


4. How have your abilities grown since then ^^ ??

Wow. In everyway I can imagine. Through out the years I have gained a TON of experience. In the technicality of the camera, different editing ways, going from no business to a business I do full time for work (and LOVE it!) I don’t really take photographs of nature anymore. Every now and then I’ll snap a photo, they are just to pretty not too! Here is where my work lies currently. I do from senior portraits, maternity, newborn, family, engagement, weddings.


5. Where do you draw inspiration from on a daily basis?

Immediately I thought PINTEREST! Ha ha. Who doesn’t love Pinterest? The only thing I would say about drawing inspiration from there is exactly that, inspiration. I don’t like to copy the images. I like to get ideas and get inspired to create something with just as much joy as the photo that I saw. Other than Pinterest, I grab Vogue magazines, and other different magazines that I cut/tear out different things that inspire me. Whether it has to do with the clothing, the props in the photo, the outfits, hair or makeup, pose… you get the point. 

Tear sheets from Vogue and other magazines for inspiration for an upcoming high fashion photo shoot.

I also read blogs of my idol photog’s. (seen in question 2)

I look for inspiration around me everyday. It’s everywhere if you just open your eyes to see it!

6. Who do you draw inspiration from?

See question 2! My idol photog’s and motivational speakers are so inspiring.

7. If you were not a photographer, what would you be doing instead?

Oh goodness, you know. I’ve always wanted to be a 1st-3rd grade teacher.

(Now a couple fun ones..)

8. What makeup item can you not live without?

Hmm… I would say mascara. I love me some mascara.

9. You love elephants -- why?!

What is NOT to love is the correct question! I honestly, truly have no idea why I love them. I just have since I can remember. Maybe it’s because they are so intelligent, loving, and they have an incredible memory. They can have a friend elephant, be separated and reunited about 30 years and will remember who their friend was. That to me is amazing!

10. What perfume do you wear most often?

Lucky You. I have been wearing Lucky for as LONG as I can remember. Currently I have been wearing Burberry Brit.

11. What is your favorite fall trend?

I am not sure. I am loving all the tall boots this year though!

12. Who is your best friend, and why?

Ha ha, I wonder why my best friend who wrote this questionnaire would ask this question? Ha ha! Stevie Lee is my best friend of about 12 years now. We have the same personality and humor, but her and I are complete opposite in looks. I am almost a foot taller than her! But, no matter how long we ever go with out talking- when we catch up again it’s like no time has passed at all. I feel like that’s how you know you have a friend for life. 

Me & Stevie awhile back.

13. What is your perfect happy hour beverage?

Hmm.. a nice cold brew.

(Alright, alright..)

15. What advice would you give to someone who wants to take what they love and turn it into a fulfilling career?

"The positive thinker sees the invisible, 
feels the intangible, 
and achieves the impossible."

1. Don’t. Give. Up.
You’re probably thinking to yourself, “uh, I’ve heard that before.” But, I am serious. When you start out no matter your experience, skills, etc. There will be failure. Nothing hurts or sucks more that failing at something you’re completely passionate about, and adore. You need to DRILL into your mind is everyone fails, everyone has to start somewhere.
When I fail, I use it as motivation to go and seek the correct ways to do whichever it was that I had failed at. I read books, research online, ask other photogs for their professional opinion.
Just remember that it’s happened to everyone else, you’re not alone. Use your failures as motivation to be better.

2. It. Takes. Time.

Keep in mind that nothing is instant. Now days we love our instant gratification, don’t we? We love being able to pick up our phone and get on the internet, we love that it’s fast internet, that we can take a photo with our phone and post it online instantly for our friends/family to see.

Business is different. Especially just starting out. It takes time. It has taken me about 5-6 years to be where I am today, and I have a lot of growing to do still. I am STILL finding myself and branding my business to this day, and it’ll constantly change.

3. Stay Motivated and inspired.

Don’t let it become a career. Keep your passion. Don’t over work yourself to where it becomes a job to you. I know this is a very hard task to do, so make sure you take time to go and do photo sessions for YOU. Keep that drive, passion, and inspiration in your heart.

16. What is it that pushes you to go farther and grow as a photographer?

My passion. I have so many ideas and dreams and a drive that will get me there. I believe in myself, and I know I can do better and that drives me and pushes me to go further than I am currently.

17. What is your favorite inspirational quote that gets you through the day?

This one is really hard for me, because if you know me… I love quotes. I especially love this one:

"A good photograph is one that communicates a fact, 
touches the heart, and leaves the viewer a 

changed person for having seen it." -Irving Penn

18. Is there something you have no idea how to do, but would love to learn?

I want to learn film, and how to develop my photos in a dark room. The film look and feel is something that I have fallen in love with.

19. You're such a sunny person, what IS happiness to you?

Happiness to me is family, friends, life.

Happiness to me is the reaction of the clients when they see their photos that I captured for them. The fact that I can freeze a memory in time, and forever that client will have that moment captured, maybe it’s their daughter or son who is a newborn, and later in life they will always have these photos that will make their eyes water because they wonder where the time has went.

Happiness to me is helping everyone else be happy.

20. What is your ideal work day, start to finish?

My day in a nutshell
7am-8pm (usually)
Editing, responding to emails, photo shoots, editing, responding to emails, photo shoots, eat, editing, responding to emails, photo shoots, blog, editing….you get the picture.


21. What is something you want everyone to know about you, that they may not already know?

I love Christmas, almost as much as ELF. I could seriously listen to Christmas music all year round.


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